Bat Sheva (The Daughter of 7even)

February 13, 2024
Project Creator's Name & Bio

Tomer George Cohen - musician, woodwind player, teacher, composer and producer. born 1975. autodidact.

Project Name & Bio

Bat Sheva (The Daughter of 7even) - a music composition, part of a new album coming. Its a kind of spiritual composition, the vibe is connection. with self and the world. to raise your frequency up and connect with your higher self. which eventually comes to global conciseness and the understanding that we are all connected.

Who are the people who have influenced your filmmaking?

since my project is a music composition, i will relate the questions to my frame of reference. to describe the people who influenced my music composition is to take a journey into my life, from age 7 , is when i started to play the clarinet. my first clarinet hero was benny goodman, then, artie shaw, budy defranco and eddie daniels who amazingly combine between the classical and jazz styles. later on I studied saxophone with Peter wertheimer, who was a great influence on my development, opening up to modern style of music. during that time I had the pleasure of studying with Herb Pomeroy jazz composition and arranging, when he traveled to Israel and gave music seminars. later on I met W.T.Woodley who was a Trinidadian pianist and composer, he was my mentor for 8 magical years, and one of my main influences of me today. up until 2016 I used to play in various situations, from weddings, events, club gigs, TV gigs and festivals. that itself was a school for me to be exposed to so many cultures. Jazz ,Funk, MiddleEastern, African, Caribbean, Latin ,pop and other styles with no known name. so, the composition you hear now, is actually a lifetime journey of experiences in a "box" where all the styles and cultures mash up together to what I call, Planetary music which can connect with the whole people and other entities.

Could you share any amusing stories or incidents that happened during your process of making the project?

When I was recording my saxophone parts on the composition, my daughter who was 2 years old came in the studio to check me out, I gave her the mic and she was glad to record her part in the piece. that was funny unexpected situation.

Can you describe a challenges you faced while working on this project, and how you overcame it?

many many challenges, as the drive for getting what you know should be is powerful, you have to find creative solutions. some of the challenges i can say, finding the right musicians who can accept my vision and go with me. getting my parts together was a big one for me too. same thing with the mix and master proses.

How can you collaborate effectively with an editor to shape the final version of your project?

patience and perseverance.

What was your actual budget for making this project? If you were given more resources, how would you like to proceed?

since I'm a private production. my budget is low. the whole album budget is around 10k$ more resources means better equipment for recording. larger pool of musicians. and a good PR.

Could you please tell us what projects you are planning to work on next?

A new album which is a part of a trilogy is ready and waiting for release + a music video of the band. next is producing the next album + some wild new music videos.

Could you share with us a proud accomplishment from your creative journey?

each album that i produced and released is an accomplishment that I'm so proud. you can hear the journey in the music.

What are the biggest challenges of making a film today and how can the festival circuit help achieve your dream?

I think that budget is the main thing. but through the film festival, collaborations and opportunities can rise and artists can work together.

What advice do you have for individuals who aspire to become filmmakers/writers?

focus and imagine the outcome you want and go get it. live it and make it happen.

Share your experiences and suggestions for improving the Stingray International Film Festival.

I love the festival. hope to come back for next season with new stuff. many thanks for the opportunity.