The Vagrant

January 13, 2024
Project Creator's Name & Bio

Frank Mancuso was born in Albany NY. He graduated from Christian Brothers Academy in 1979. He received his Bachelor's degree from The College of St Rose in 1983. He moved to NYC to study acting where he started his career. He studied at HB Studio's with Bill Hickey and Michael Beckett. He took time out from acting and became a Court Officer, worked for NYPD and was a NYC Deputy Sheriff until he retired in 2014. He was also a first respond er during the 9/11 attacks. Worked at Madison Square Garden for 25 years where he also worked as a bodyguard to many celebrities over the years. like Frank Sinitra, Al Pacino and many more.I started producing films in 2017 with BlueIron as my first project. I started writing in 2018 and have written 14 screenplays to date. I have become an award winning writer with over 300 Award wins on my screenplays. So far, only one has been produced called Anemone coming out soon.

Project Name & Bio

The Vagrant

Who are the people who have influenced your filmmaking?

I guess you could say mostly 80's action stars that I grew up watching like Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Arnold and Claude Van Damm. My favorite is Slyvestor Stallone becuase of his determination never to give up. I know how difficult this industry can be and how he struggled throughout his career as an actor, but he wrote his own projects to make it his own. I can relate to that struggle and found out that I was a better writer then a actor. So, I focus more on writing and producing and looking to give someone a break that I never got.

Could you share any amusing stories or incidents that happened during your process of making the project?

I am sure every film producer has had those days that everything went wrong from rainy days forcing you you to reshoot scenes indoors when it is a driving scene. Having actors drop out the day before they are scheduled to film the next day and you have to scramble to find an actor last minute. But, I take it as a sign that it was meant to happen for a reason. The replacement actors were much better then the original cast members.

Can you describe a challenges you faced while working on this project, and how you overcame it?

We all are going to make mistakes as independent film makers but it is a growing learning experience. You get better with each film and know how to correct it when the same problem comes up. One of our biggest mistakes we were constrained by time and locations and rushed shots. If you can't film it that day don't force the shot, do it another day and do it right. Never make the same mistake again.

How can you collaborate effectively with an editor to shape the final version of your project?

Well that's easy for me. My partner Chris Adams is both the director and editor of our projects. We write and produce everything together. We always discuss everything and go over the film to always make the best decisions about the film from what we have. It is a learning process for both of us as we selectively go through the entire film and see what needs to be fixed as per edits, audio and sound effects.

What was your actual budget for making this project? If you were given more resources, how would you like to proceed?

The Vagrant is only in script form right now. This screenplay has won 26 Award s so far and we are seeking independent investors for this project. We have done our research has where the best place to film this project as per Tax film credits from several US cities could be a great investment for investors return could come back quickly.

Could you please tell us what projects you are planning to work on next?

We are currently in post production of our documentary called Sono L'Italiano. (I am Italian) It is a documentary on how Columbus day actually became a US holiday in 1892 and the contributions of the Italian people who came to America has immigrants.

Could you share with us a proud accomplishment from your creative journey?

I have been blessed as a writer creating so many different stories from Drama, Action, Sci-fi to Horror. Who would have thought that I would write 14 screenplays in 5 years. Four are with Co-writers that I worked with on projects, including this one with Chris Adams. I was very nervous about submitting my work to film festivals. Especially in the beginning when I was constantly being rejected. It only made me work harder to get a good script out there. So, the best was being recognized by my peers in the film industry as I received my very first win for S.T.A.N.E as Best Action screenplay at the prestigios Las Vegas International Film and Screenplay competion in 2019. Being there in person with so many talented writers really signaled to me this was my calling.

What are the biggest challenges of making a film today and how can the festival circuit help achieve your dream?

Well the biggest challenge for independent filmakers is of course is financing your own projects. Producing the film and getting everything together gets easier each time you produce one. I myself, hope as an award winning writer that my project gravitates to an investors desk and takes an interest in working with us. I have several scripts listed on Inktip. I get notifications all the time, but no bites yet. Hoping that they say hey, we love your script and would love to work with you. That would be awesome news and writers dream come true seeing your work on the big screen and seeing the audience reaction to your work that you created on your computer for days and hours that was simply just an idea that you had.

What advice do you have for individuals who aspire to become filmmakers/writers?

Never givie up. Follow your dreams and don't let people discourage you in becoming what you know you can do. Stallone was told he would never be any good, and so was I. Look at me now what I have accomplishish on my IMDB page. My wife could tell you I am stubborn and I have selective hearing. But nobody will stop me from my dreams. As Rocky would say, it's not about how hard you get hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and and keep moving forward. That's what makes dreams come true.

Share your experiences and suggestions for improving the Stingray International Film Festival.

I love the festival. A key note for me is communication always between the submitter and the festival. Always keep us updated with progress.